Book hotels in Wolverhampton

We recognise the convenience of being able to book rooms online and strongly believe this option should be available to those who prefer it, but as a small family owned hotel we also believe in the personal touch.

Therefore we have decided to offer SOME availability for those who would like to book online, but if a room appears unavailable by booking online please try the enquiry form, email or telephone.

By using the enquiry form, email or the telephone we can offer a great deal more information, flexibility on the rooms/dates available and maybe even a better price!  Please be assured we respond to enquiries as quickly as possible, we wouldn’t be in business if we didn’t!

TELEPHONE - +44 (0) 1902 311311 
FAX - +44 (0) 1902 421098      

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© Hotels in Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton Hotel
Ely House Hotel
53 Tettenhall Road
West Midlands, WV3 9NB
Contact Ely House Hotel:
T: 01902 311311
F: 01902 421098